Ok lads so Elifaz just said the reason some tzadikim suffer and some reshoim benefit is in order to have free will.
Now in perek 23,24 IYOV is having none of that lets split it up into two arguments
-1) Tzadikim suffer so that they have free will and don’t just serve hashem for the reward because then everyone would serve hashem for the wrong reasons ¦→ so IYOV has two problems with this, firstly doing mitzvos not leshmoh is not a reason to suffer the tzadikim did nothing wrong, and secondly if g-d wants to know if someone is serving him leshmoh he should ASK, g-d is all knowing instead of regourously testing him just look inside him.
-2) Reshoim benefit because otherwise we would all just serve g-d knowing if we don’t we die¦→ IYOV asks a strong question back, I realise that the reshoim need to be able to sin without fear but why does g-d let some reshoim kill whole nations, just so he could have bechiram, g-d could kill these reshoim in a quiet way so the rest of mankind has bechira but kill him.
Ok so now Bildad comes with his hypothesis. G-d makes it rain for plants to grow, if a tzadik happens to be walking around should g-d stop the rain for him, no g-d needs to keep to nature and sometimes the bigger picture is more important. G-d makes it light during the day so people can see should it be dark for the rosha. If you think about it makes sense if a man robs a bank he will get money his sin directly caused his gain. But all of this will get paid back at the end of each mans days.
But IYOV answers simply that Bildad is only a step away from his original logic that everything is predestined and has to happen, also i would argue that bildad’s argument is not true, when a tzadik walks in the rain why can’t g-d stop it raining, so if you want to say its a small punishment for something he did fine but to say it just had to happen and g-d will pay him back later doesn’t sound right.
From 27-28 we have some Paean’s and soliloguys (whatever they are) where he says a lot of things here are some of them. IYOV believes it is better to say how you feel even if it is heresy better than to just keep it inside (an arguable point), he then tells of his three friends for hiding what they really believe. He then says how g-d has infinite wisdom he whatever he is doing he understands it and it is unfair that he holds it back from us.
Looking ahead this is what is up in 29-31
®IYOV talks of the glory and greatness of his previously lifestyle
®He contrasts it to his horrible portion now
®IYOV says how he didn’t sin and by no means deserves the suffering he has received
I wish you all a lovely shabbous and please ask me any questions you have.
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