Monday, August 13, 2007

Daily nach

On the 2nd of September we are starting the second cycle of daily nach. The idea is that every day anyone who wants to join will do a perek of nach every day, Doing this the whole of nach can be finished in just over a year and a half This can be done simply by just reading the Hebrew and translating or if you wish you can do any mephorshim you want. We are starting from shoftim perek alef, the reason for this is that this is a bit more interesting than yehoshua and it is an easier place to start. I have done this cycle before and i have gained a lot from it and it has truly changed my life. You can stop whenever you want so there is no pressure and if you don't think you will finish it, it is still better to start and then stop even after the first day and at least you have learnt a perek. If you would like to only join for a latter book then you can and you can email me to keep you up to date. Please consider this prospect carefully and try it at least on the first day to see if you like it.

For any more information please Email me on

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