Here is a devar torah from the first perek of shmual. This question was asked by benji blau. It twice says that channah didn't eat and then it says she "got up from eating and drinking" there are three answers
1)Rashi and Rulbug piont out that eating and drinking is in the masculine and feminine so this was the group meal that she got up from but she didn't eat
2)Some people say she just ate enough to stay alive but didn't eat properly
3)The Radak says that after channah saw she was upseting her husband (as he thought she didn't love him enough and all she wanted was children) she started eating so not to harm his feelings
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
Siyum and shiur
Hello everybody. Im very sorry to inform you that the siyum on shoftim cant go ahead. we are very sorry but instead Rabbi Landua has kindly agreed to give a shiur over succos on one of the yomtov days. or even on chol hamoed if enough people want. i realise a lot of you will be going away or just wont be able to come so if you are interested please let me know. We have not set a date yet as most days are possible so if you absoulotly cant come on a perticular day and want to come then please let me know. thank you very much i will keep you posted.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Rosh hasona devar torah on shimshon
Perek 13 of shoftim. This perek thus begins the episode of Shimshon whom we will learn about over the next week. In this perek the angel comes to the wife of Monoach (father of Shimshon) and tells her that even though she is baron she will never the less conceive a son whom will be a nazir from birth. She then relates this encounter with her husband whom immediately demands to see this angel and hear from it that which it told his wife. The angel appears to Monoach and says to him, "All that I told your wife, you shall guard." Rabbi Shimon Schwab asked, why did Monoach demand to see and hear the angel himself, did he not believe his wife? and what exactly is the angels reply to him? So Rabbi Shimon Schwab gives an awesome answer which is also very applicable to rosh hashana and it's very fitting that we will be learning it on this day. Rabbi Schwab explains that Monaoch didn't have this urge to see the angel because he didn't believe his wife, of course he believed his wife - she was fitting to encounter an angel! but rather it was because he didn't believe Hashem. Monoach was perplexed and confused to how Hashem could demand the child be a nazir when the father himself wasn't. Monaoch was challenged because how was he to raise a child to live on a higher standard than he did himself. So this is what the angel's reply to him was, "All that I told your wife, YOU shall guard." YOU Monach as well have to be a nazir! Of course, there is no way you can set an example to your child if you don't do it yourself and hence Monoach was to be a nazir as well because Shimshon was to be one. The message is that we have to live and act the way we see as the the right thing. We have to do the great and wonderful things which we talk about and aspire to and there is no better time than Rosh Hashana itself to start being the people we want other to see us as. A role model is from what we do not from what we merely pledge and talk about doing. The fact that others can see we have made a serious commitment to Torah by learning a perek of nach each and every day we have surly fulfilled what the angel said to Monoach that to be an inspiration and light to others it has to be that YOU shall do it yourself!!
By shmuli sagel
By shmuli sagel
Monday, September 3, 2007
OK. from now on we have an organised team of people to answer questions so please email me with any questions and i will post them back and we will make a book of the answers or something.
here is our first question from yossi shebson and jess wise
Q: how can caleb ben yefuna be ozneal ben kenos's brother if they have differant fathers
A: rashi says they have the same mother but not father they were actually differant tribes
here is our first question from yossi shebson and jess wise
Q: how can caleb ben yefuna be ozneal ben kenos's brother if they have differant fathers
A: rashi says they have the same mother but not father they were actually differant tribes
Monday, August 13, 2007
Daily nach
On the 2nd of September we are starting the second cycle of daily nach. The idea is that every day anyone who wants to join will do a perek of nach every day, Doing this the whole of nach can be finished in just over a year and a half This can be done simply by just reading the Hebrew and translating or if you wish you can do any mephorshim you want. We are starting from shoftim perek alef, the reason for this is that this is a bit more interesting than yehoshua and it is an easier place to start. I have done this cycle before and i have gained a lot from it and it has truly changed my life. You can stop whenever you want so there is no pressure and if you don't think you will finish it, it is still better to start and then stop even after the first day and at least you have learnt a perek. If you would like to only join for a latter book then you can and you can email me to keep you up to date. Please consider this prospect carefully and try it at least on the first day to see if you like it.
For any more information please Email me on
For any more information please Email me on
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